Francesco D’Astici (舞團教師)
義大利Dance World A.S.D合伙創辦人暨藝術總監。 畢業於倫敦伯德藝術學院 (Doreen Bird Performing Arts College)。1994在校期間,即受邀加入德國基爾芭蕾舞團(Kiel
Ballet),在舞團演出過「胡桃鉗」(Nutcracker)、「披頭士」(The Beatles), 「奧菲歐‧蒙泰韋爾迪」 (L’Orfeo
Monteverdi), 蝙蝠 ( Die fledermaus ) 等經典舞作。1996加入德國普福爾而茲海姆市立劇院芭蕾(Stadttheater
Pforzheim Ballet)。1997加入倫敦著名音樂劇「貓」(Cats) 的演出,成為有始以來唯一的義大利舞者,輪替演出舞劇中主要角色“Mistoffelees”,此音樂劇由著名編舞家Jillian Lynn編舞,在新倫敦劇院(New London Theater)上演。1998 受邀參與英國伯明罕皇家芭蕾舞團(Birmingham Royal Ballet) 藝術總監David Bintley所編導的音樂劇「睡衣遊戲」(The
Pajama Game), 首演於倫敦維多利亞宮殿 (Victoria Palace),並參與在多倫多威爾斯親王劇院 (Prince of Wales Theater) 的世界巡演。1999 參與著名音樂劇「鐘樓怪人」( Notre Dame de Paris )演出 ,此音樂劇由Martino Muller所編舞,同時於倫敦多明諾劇院(Domino Theater)和羅馬大劇院(Gran teatro )演出。在「鐘樓怪人」(Notre Dame de Paris) 音樂劇的工作期間,同時擔任了編舞助理,舞蹈排練指導和舞團舞者代表。2003 參加由英國皇家芭蕾出身的舞者、編舞家亞當‧古柏 (Adam Cooper) 所編導的「在你的腳趾上」( On your toes ) 音樂劇,並於日本巡迴演出。同年加入由電影巨星凱文‧史派希 (Kevin Spacy) 所執導的電影「飛躍情海 “Beyond the sea”,擔任電影中的特色舞者,由知名編舞家Bob Ashford 擔任電影中的編舞工作。 電影拍攝工作結束後,加入Matthew Bourne的舞團,參與「胡桃鉗」( Nutcracker ) 和男子版「天鵝湖」( Swan Lake )的舞劇,輪替演出天鵝湖中的主要角色「天鵝」和「陌生人」(Swan & stranger),並隨團參與歐洲內陸及亞洲、澳洲、莫斯科等海外巡演;包括愛丁堡藝術節,雅典藝術節,墨而本國際藝術節,阿德雷德藝術節,莫斯科藝術節等。陸續授課於雲門舞集二團。2012 授課於台北國立藝術大學暑期菁英學堂、 受邀參與Huidance匯舞集創團首作『門The Door』的編舞,於台南文化中心原生劇場、高雄衛武營發表作品,受邀2012關渡藝術節,2012華山生活藝術節Showcase。為高雄市立左營高中舞蹈班畢業公演編舞編創 『穿越』。參加2012北京跨藝.舞動無界『光與水』中外當代舞蹈創作交流。2013 再次受HuiDance匯舞集之邀,與蔡慧貞共同創作舞蹈與現場音樂跨國創藝『風景Scenery』, 並於台南市文化中心原生劇場、台北西門紅樓參與演出。受國立台北藝術大學之邀,授課於『2013國際舞蹈菁英學堂』。
Francesco is the Artist Director and the co-founder of Dance World A.S.D in Italy.
He graduated from Doreen Bird Performing Arts College in London. In 1994, during the graduation year, he got his first contract offered by Kiel Ballet in Germany, where he danced “Nutcracker”, “The
Beatles”, “ L’Orfeo Monteverdi”, “ Die
fledermaus” and
many others. In 1996, he joined Stadttheater Pforzheim Ballet. In 1997, he joined musical “Cats” in London, choreography by Jillian Lynn, where he understudied and played the principal
role of “Mistoffolees”, performed in New London
Theater. In 1998, he worked with David
Bintley who is the director of Birmingham Royal Ballet, for the musical “The
Pajama Game”, premiere in Victoria Palace, London and
toured in Toronto, performed in “Price of Wales”. In 1999,
he joined musical “Notre Dame de Paris”,
worked with Martino Muller, performed in both Domino Theater, London and Gran
Teatro in Roma, Italy. In the production “ Norte
Dame de Paris”, he
was the assistant choreographer, rehearsal director , as well the dance captain. In
2001, he joined musical “Cindy” choreography by Martino Muller, performed in Palais de Congres, Paris. In
2003, he joined musical “On your toes”, worked with Adam
Cooper and tour in Japan. After “on your toes”, he
was a featured dancer in the movie “Beyond the sea” directed
and staring by Kevin Spacey, choreography by Rob
Ashford. He worked with Matthew
Bourne, where he danced in Nutcracker” and “Swan Lake”-covering and played the main role-Swan & Stranger. With Swan Lake, he
participated the extensive oversea tour throughout the continents of Europe,
Asia, Australia, Moscow, including the engagements in Athens Festival, Melbourne International
Arts Festival, Adelaide Festival…He's a guest Ballet teacher for Cloud-Gate 2 Dance Theater in Taiwan. Recently years, he's been invited to teach in
International Dance Elite Academy hold by Taipei National University of the
Arts. He's a guest choreographer of HuiDance Project in Taiwan, participated
the productions 『The
Door』、『Scenery』as a
choreographer and dancer.