2012年5月16日 星期三

我和我的她...Me and her...

Video Camera成為我獨自關在studio創作的最佳戰友,透過它我看見自己...
將創作的過程紀錄下來, 有時我害怕看見我,因為獨自一人關在studio時,情緒可以很誠實與裸露,所以"我"就被最佳戰友給一五一時的捕抓下來了 ......但沒有了她,我似乎很難掌握工作狀態與進度,她成為我批判自己的另一雙眼睛!不能捨棄的單眼...

Video Camera becomes my best partner when I work alone in the studio, I see myself though her...
To record the working process, sometime I am afraid to see me, when I lock myself in the studio alone, the emotion can be so expose and honest, so " I " have been caught by my best partner ...but without her, it seems not possible to know the status and process of my creation. She becomes my other eye who judge myself! A eye that I can't get rid off...

