2012年3月4日 星期日

Been monitored


有感於都市中冷淡而疏離的人際關係,蔡慧貞的《Been Monitored》讓舞者化身為城市中的無名大眾,在Kraftwerk的配樂中,舞者匆忙地彼此擦身而過。如同Jacques Tati所執導的電影《Playtime》,演員在城市中匆匆交會,在舞台上猶如扯著同一條繩子,或從彈珠台發射彈珠一般。
Dance review:
Urban and existentially Cool urbanity evokes Hui-Chen Tsai in her piece "Been Monitored" in which she stages including the music of Kraftwerk, the dancers as an anonymous mass. As in the film "Playtime" by Jacques Tati they rush past each other through an urban setting, literally pulling the same rope or get the balls in a pinball machine shot across the stage.

(BZ Berner Zeithung, Helen Lagger 21.06.2010)

編舞: 蔡慧貞  
舞作概念: Francesco D'Astici
舞者: Paula Alonso, Emma Lewis, Erick Guillard, Ilan Kav, JianHuey Wang, Erion Kruja
首演: 6月2011.瑞士伯恩市立劇院 Stadttheater Bern,Switzerland

Paula Alonso/ Ilan Kav/Erick Guillard/ 王劍輝/ Emma Lewis

Emma Lewis / Erion Kruja


