2006年-我第二次辭掉雲門舞集一團專職舞者工作到歐洲考團 , 在沒有考試期間 ,住在義大利南部(巴里) 。當時城鎮上黑手黨還頗為猖獗 , 沒人陪同的情況下,被規定不能單獨外出, 連最鄰近的超商都不行去 。 那三個月時間多到只能用奢侈來形容 ,我意外的拿起筆亂塗鴉 ,從卡通人物到人物素描
, 恩..我想是可以再重新執筆...
Develop the interest with the time
In 2006,after quitting Cloud Gate Dance Theater, I went to audition in Europe. During the time I was free, I lived in south of Italy, Bari. At the time Mafia was still very active in the village, I was warned and prohibited to go out alone, not even the supermarket that just one minute away form the house. One day, I had not much to do, I started to draw, from Cartoon character to Portrait. I consider myself as a O.K beginner. I just found all these old drawings, it's time to restart my other interest again... 
