2012年3月3日 星期六

文字創作 Text creation

尉先生人Koko,是慧Francesco多年的好友, 然一年上一面, 但彼此友誼長純心中。尉生先除了是位感性的作家、評論家、家和音家,同也是位大喔!今天先他的作品,有機會再介他的廚藝

 Here is an artist with muti-talent that you should not miss-Yu zen-chih. Mr.Yu 's nick name is Koko, a good friend for many year of HuiChen and Francesco. Although we hardly see each other once a year, but we keep the deep friendship in heart. Mr. Yu is a sensual writer, reviewer, painter and musician, at the same time, an amazing chef. Let's get to know his works first here, we will introduce his cooking another time!

台北市人。一九七七年三月初生。海大系肄,巴黎第一大學電影博士候人。於音影、繪畫述刊於台、法、土耳其、中等刊物。繪畫個展於台北(一九九四、一九九七), 並聯展於法大利、巴林、、哥等的基金、文化機構與術館。文集「室內靜.窗外景」由印刻文出版,並為「印刻生活」策.昆德拉、卡洛斯.富恩特斯等國際性文學專輯 

